Customers in line to purchase a ticket at the airport

Affordable and convenient transportation

Taking transit is easy, convenient and best of all, affordable. Learn about our fares and how to purchase money-saving passes and products.

Rail Fare Zones

The RTD rail system is divided into two fare zones: Standard and Airport. Rail fares are based on how many fare zones you travel in during your trip. Any trip originating or ending in the Airport zone is an Airport fare. When determining the fare for a rail trip, fare zones are not counted twice if your trip takes you out of one zone and back into the same zone during a trip.

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Mobile Ticketing

In addition to the RTD MyRide app, you can also buy RTD tickets and passes in the Uber and Transit apps!

Find out more about mobile ticketing

College Pass

CollegePass is an annual college-sponsored pass providing students unlimited rides on bus and rail for a nominal cost included in their tuition and fees.

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